To raise public awareness of massive civilian deaths from U.S. fire-bombing as source of the drive to obtain nuclear weapons and *why this history is key to the success of U.S.-North Korea negotiations*
To raise public awareness of massive civilian deaths from U.S. fire-bombing as source of the drive to obtain nuclear weapons and *why this history is key to the success of U.S.-North Korea negotiations*
Please watch our video documentary:
In one picture, here is what the Korea crisis is about:
Expert observers believe that North Korea has achieved its decades-long goal of being able to strike American cities with nuclear missiles. This has led to a tense confrontation, with the U.S. threatening military action toward the goal of destroying that capability.
A Breakthrough Opportunity to Avoid Catastrophic War -
In a breakthrough, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has offered to participate in a process of negotiation with President Trump toward a goal of eventual elimination of its nuclear weapons **IF** North Korea's security can be firmly guaranteed.
If this negotiation process collapses in failure, experts fear the diplomatic path will be rejected and the situation will revert back to a frighteningly high danger of horrific nuclear conflict. As the stakes could *NOT* be higher, it is essential to understand what factors can bring *success*.
Success in Negotiations Completely Hinges on Understanding the Driving Force Behind the Building of Nuclear Weapons -
The issue of eliminating the nuclear arsenal of North Korea *CANNOT* be separated from an understanding of *WHY* that country has felt *forced* to build these weapons over a period of decades. The answer to this question can only be obtained by an honest reckoning with a sobering and yet fully documentable truth as to what happened during the *Korean War*.
The U.S. Fire-Bombing of North Korea During the Korean War -
The over-matched air force and air defenses of North Korea were quickly overwhelmed, giving U.S. bombers essentially complete control of air space. It was said: "The sky over North Korea was their safe front yard." [1] Without meaningful opposition, U.S. forces engaged in a relentless fire-bombing and burning down of cities to the point where U.S. bomber commander Gen. Emmett O'Donnell made this statement in testimony to Congress: "Everything is destroyed. There is nothing standing worthy of the name ... We were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea." [2]
The over-matched air force and air defenses of North Korea were quickly overwhelmed, giving U.S. bombers essentially complete control of air space. It was said: "The sky over North Korea was their safe front yard." [1] Without meaningful opposition, U.S. forces engaged in a relentless fire-bombing and burning down of cities to the point where U.S. bomber commander Gen. Emmett O'Donnell made this statement in testimony to Congress: "Everything is destroyed. There is nothing standing worthy of the name ... We were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea." [2]
The Killing of Over a *MILLION* Non-combatant Civilians - As fires raged through North Korean cities, a massive number of non-combatant civilians were killed. Most estimates place the number at over a MILLION. [3] Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, issued the following stark statement:
"Over a period of three years or so, we killed off - what - 20 percent of the population." [4]
According to Sahr Conway-Lanz, Library of Congress historian and author of a book on civilian casualties since World War II: "American commanders vastly expanded the portion of the enemy’s society deemed to be a “military target.” [5] Former Sec. of State Dean Rusk: "We were bombing every brick that was standing on top of another, everything that moved." [6] Startlingly *direct quotes* from U.S. military commanders giving the orders to engage in indiscriminate fire-bombing are included in the "Documented Information" page included in this blog. [7]
The Threat to Drop an Atomic Bomb on North Korea -
In addition to this devastating wipe-out of civilians by fire-bombing, it is also essentially unknown to the public that President Truman actually threatened to *DROP AN ATOMIC BOMB* on North Korea. [8]
The Driving Force Behind North Korea's Bitterness and Decades-Long Effort to Build Nuclear Weapons - Due to the suppression of news coverage due to the U.S. being in a state of war, this overwhelming human tragedy was never brought to the world's attention. Despite this global lack of awareness and any sense of accountability on the part of the U.S., this atrocity has been the source of a deep and abiding hatred of the U.S. by North Korea for 60 years. It has been the powerful driving force behind North Korea's unceasing, decades-long effort to build a nuclear arsenal that would deter the U.S. from ever launching such a catastrophic attack again.
"When you go to the North it’s as if the bombing ended yesterday. It is absolutely a direct connection with their nuclear program, as is our history of nuclear intimidation of the North from 1950 to the present."
-Bruce Cumings, author of Korean War: A History, PBS TV consultant [9]
In a speech to the United Nations, North Korea's foreign minister states to the world:
"The very reason the DPRK has to possess nuclear weapons is because of the U.S. ...... Our national nuclear force is for all intensive purposes a war deterrent, for putting an end to the nuclear threat of the U.S. and for preventing its invasion." [10]
The Absence of Historic Perspective on the U.S. Side -
When President Trump threatens to rain "fire and fury" on North Korea like "never before", it is a stark revelation of his complete lack of awareness about Korean history. That country has already been subjected to a "fire and fury" the likes of which has never been experienced by the U.S. and it was committed *by the hand of the U.S.*
The tragic history of the Korean War demonstrates why a *guarantee of safety for North Korea will stand above all other issues in playing a pivotal role whether the negotiation process succeeds or whether it spirals downward toward war*. The *ONLY* circumstance under which North Korea would consider dismantling its nuclear arsenal would be an absolute, "ironclad" assurance that the threat of invasion has been removed.
The Imperative Need to Provide a Security Guarantee to North Korea -
It is inevitable that the U.S. side will be asked to undertake concrete actions which can provide this guarantee. *If the U.S. side lacks awareness of the history and the driving force which has compelled North Korea to pursue these weapons in the first place, it is less likely to take action at the level of seriousness required to offset that driving force.*
Proposals Related to a Security Guarantee for North Korea -
The official signing of a permanent peace treaty between North Korea, South Korea, the U.S. and China. The armistice of 1953 only stopped the open conflict and did not actually end the state of war between the countries. An interim action could be the signing of a "peace declaration" between the U.S. and North Korea that can lead to a formal treaty between all four countries.
Another proposal which may be introduced is a phased elimination of U.S. troops from South Korea, which may be accompanied by a proposal to replace them with an international United Nations peace-keeping force stationed at the DMZ border in order to prevent tensions from developing. The goal would be "to create trust and stabilize the situation by deploying, with the agreement of both Koreas and the Security Council, UN peacekeepers on either side of the demilitarized zone." [11] Removal of U.S. troops would also eliminate a major trigger of bitter memories regarding the Korean War.
A Spark - Even Accidental - That Can Escalate to Devastation Beyond Comprehension -
Those who have followed the Korea issue for decades believe we are in an incredibly dangerous moment, far more frightening than is understood by the vast majority of the American people. They fear the two sides are locking into a collision course where a single spark - even one that is *accidental* - could trigger an unstoppable escalation into a catastrophic loss of life not seen since WWII and the first Korean war.
"Mr. Mattis (Sec. of Defense) and other senior military leaders fear that a stray incident could spark a sudden conflict with the North. Of particular concern is the “ladder of escalation” .... of which Mr. Mattis and other Pentagon leaders could quickly lose control." [12]
A Spark - Even Accidental - That Can Escalate to Devastation Beyond Comprehension -
Those who have followed the Korea issue for decades believe we are in an incredibly dangerous moment, far more frightening than is understood by the vast majority of the American people. They fear the two sides are locking into a collision course where a single spark - even one that is *accidental* - could trigger an unstoppable escalation into a catastrophic loss of life not seen since WWII and the first Korean war.
"Mr. Mattis (Sec. of Defense) and other senior military leaders fear that a stray incident could spark a sudden conflict with the North. Of particular concern is the “ladder of escalation” .... of which Mr. Mattis and other Pentagon leaders could quickly lose control." [12]
The U.S. military fears rapid escalation to an extremely bloody conflict:
"Commanders who attended the exercise in Hawaii were told that roughly 10,000 Americans could be wounded in combat in the opening days alone. And the number of civilian casualties would likely be in the thousands or even hundreds of thousands." [13]
According to Gen. Mark Milley, organizer of the exercise and U.S. Army Chief of Staff, “The brutality of this will be beyond the experience of any living soldier.” [14]
"Commanders who attended the exercise in Hawaii were told that roughly 10,000 Americans could be wounded in combat in the opening days alone. And the number of civilian casualties would likely be in the thousands or even hundreds of thousands." [13]
According to Gen. Mark Milley, organizer of the exercise and U.S. Army Chief of Staff, “The brutality of this will be beyond the experience of any living soldier.” [14]
As North Korea fears a first strike aimed at destroying its leadership - a capability for which the U.S. has actually been training to achieve in its war drills, there will be enormous pressure for it to launch its nuclear missiles before it loses the capacity to do so.*This is the most ominous and dangerous scenario of all.*
How the BIGGEST STORY Related to the Crisis Is Being *COMPLETELY MISSED* by News Media -
In this dire situation, *a special role is held by the news media*. While it does not take part in policy decisions, it does have a responsibility to report all facts that are pertinent to those decisions. Even though the telling of this historical truth can indeed prevent disaster, coverage has essentially been non-existent.
By immersing itself in day to day developments and the action-reaction dynamic rather than stepping back to show the larger background context of this crisis, *the BIGGEST STORY regarding this crisis is in the process of being COMPLETELY MISSED*.
By immersing itself in day to day developments and the action-reaction dynamic rather than stepping back to show the larger background context of this crisis, *the BIGGEST STORY regarding this crisis is in the process of being COMPLETELY MISSED*.
If current perceptions are NOT expanded by awareness of this historical truth and the present crisis descends into a catastrophic war, this colossal failure by the media will absolutely be counted as a major contributing factor. The Korean War Media Project calls upon everyone involved in news media to consider these horrific potential consequences, examine his or her moral conscience, and recapture this history in order to bring it to the American people and policy makers before it is too late.
DISCLAIMER: *In presenting this material, there is no intention whatsoever to defend any possession of nuclear weapons.* Any such weapon detonated in an urban area would by definition either kill or maim hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women, and children and constitute a crime against humanity. It is the profound obligation of moral society to rid the earth of such demonic weapons.
The purpose of the Korean War Media Project is to unflinchingly shine a light on a repressed history that illuminates the irrefutable driving force behind the effort of North Korea to obtain such weapons and delivery systems. If there is to be any hope whatsoever of a meaningful dialogue that can lead to a resolution of the present crisis short of war, it is absolutely necessary that this history be taken into account and not shunted aside. Any attempt to deny this history and characterize North Korea as peopled by irrational "lunatics" is not only patently false but also short-circuits any hope of meaningful communication.
**All successful diplomacy is based on each side trying to see a situation from the other's viewpoint.** If the U.S. had been on the receiving end of a civilian slaughter of this magnitude, it must contemplate whether it might not have taken the very same course so as to deter such an adversary. To look at today's crisis from this perspective fundamentally alters the moral dynamic.
The ultimate answer is for *ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD TO MUTUALLY AGREE TO ELIMINATE THESE HORRENDOUS WEAPONS.* The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 for its inspiring work toward this goal and deserves global support. [15]
A second disclaimer must address the issue of human rights. As has been abundantly documented by the United Nations, North Korea has engaged in severe and sustained human rights violations. [16] This Media Project absolutely recognizes these gross violations and strongly applauds all investigations aimed at exposing and opposing such brutality. But that is not the same issue as getting to the root of *WHY* North Korea is so relentlessly determined to achieve a nuclear weapon capacity. Because of the real potential to explode into a war that can kill hundreds of thousands (and even more), this Project - with both the restrictions imposed by limited resources and the awareness that this imminent danger is NOT receiving the urgent attention it deserves - has chosen to focus on this suppressed history.
[1] Limited War, Unlimited Targets: U.S. Air Force Bombing of North Korea During the Korean War, 1950-1953, Taewoo Kim, page 470 Link:
Limited War, Unlimited Targets: U.S. Air Force Bombing of North Korea During the Korean War, 1950-1953, Taewoo Kim, page 470
[2] The Hidden History of the Korean War, I.F. Stone, page 312
[3] "Death Toll" section, "Bombing of North Korea 1950-1953", Wikipedia Link: "Bombing of North Korea 1950-1953", Wikipedia
[4] "The U.S. War Crime North Korea Won't Forget", Blaine Harden, Washington Post, March 20, 2015 Link: "The U.S. War Crime North Korea Won't Forget", Blaine Harden, Washington Post, March 20, 2015
[5] "America's 'Ethics" of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War", Sahr Conway-Lanz, Asia Pacific Journal, Sept.15, 2014 Link:
"America's 'Ethics' of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War", Sahr Conway-Lanz, Asia Pacific Journal, Sept.15, 2014
[6] Same as #4
[1] Limited War, Unlimited Targets: U.S. Air Force Bombing of North Korea During the Korean War, 1950-1953, Taewoo Kim, page 470 Link:
Limited War, Unlimited Targets: U.S. Air Force Bombing of North Korea During the Korean War, 1950-1953, Taewoo Kim, page 470
[2] The Hidden History of the Korean War, I.F. Stone, page 312
[3] "Death Toll" section, "Bombing of North Korea 1950-1953", Wikipedia Link: "Bombing of North Korea 1950-1953", Wikipedia
[4] "The U.S. War Crime North Korea Won't Forget", Blaine Harden, Washington Post, March 20, 2015 Link: "The U.S. War Crime North Korea Won't Forget", Blaine Harden, Washington Post, March 20, 2015
[5] "America's 'Ethics" of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War", Sahr Conway-Lanz, Asia Pacific Journal, Sept.15, 2014 Link:
"America's 'Ethics' of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War", Sahr Conway-Lanz, Asia Pacific Journal, Sept.15, 2014
[6] Same as #4
[7] Documented historical background, Link: Documented historical background
[8] "Truman Leaves Nuclear Option On the Table in Korean War, Andrew Glass, Nov. 30, 1950"
[8] "Truman Leaves Nuclear Option On the Table in Korean War, Andrew Glass, Nov. 30, 1950"
[9] Email from Bruce Cumings, author of The Korean War: A History, professor at University of Chicago
[10] "North Korean FM Defends Nuclear Program at UN General Assembly", video of North Korea foreign minister Ri Yong-Ho speaking at the United Nations, YouTube
[10] "North Korean FM Defends Nuclear Program at UN General Assembly", video of North Korea foreign minister Ri Yong-Ho speaking at the United Nations, YouTube
[11] "UN blue helmets and trust can bring peace to the Korean peninsula", John Gruetzner, South China Morning Post, April 20, 2017 http://www.scmp.com/comment/in sight-opinion/article/2088788/ un-blue-helmets-and-trust-can- bring-peace-korean-peninsula
[13] and [14] Same as #12
[15] "Nobel Peace Prize winners aiming for a nuclear-free world", BBC News, Oct.6, 2017 http://www.bbc.com/news/
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